● What is the IP and MIL-STD-810G/MIL-STD-810H rating for CONQUEST Rugged Phone?
IP stands for "Ingress Protection". CONQUEST Rugged Phone is rated as IP68. The "6" in this rating refers to the dust rating. This phone is rated as "Dust Tight" meaning complete protection against dust intrusion as long as all port covers are properly closed.
The '8' in the rating refers to the phone's ability to be submerged in water. The CONQUEST Phone can be submerged in up to 1.5m of water for 30 minutes as long as all port covers are properly closed.
The MIL-SPEC rating for CONQUEST Rugged Phone is MIL-STD-810G/MIL-STD-810H making the CONQUEST Rugged Phone drop proof to "6" , dust proof (when all port covers are properly closed), and vibration proof.
● How to know if this phone can work in my country?
Our mobile phone supports global frequency bands.
● Where can I buy CONQUEST phone?
CONQUEST phone can be purchased through this Website Store, AliExpress Store, Amazon Store etc.

● What is the IP and MIL-STD-810G/MIL-STD-810H rating for CONQUEST Rugged Phone?
IP stands for "Ingress Protection". CONQUEST Rugged Phone is rated as IP68. The "6" in this rating refers to the dust rating. This phone is rated as "Dust Tight" meaning complete protection against dust intrusion as long as all port covers are properly closed.
The '8' in the rating refers to the phone's ability to be submerged in water. The CONQUEST Phone can be submerged in up to 1.5m of water for 30 minutes as long as all port covers are properly closed.
The MIL-SPEC rating for CONQUEST Rugged Phone is MIL-STD-810G/MIL-STD-810H making the CONQUEST Rugged Phone drop proof to "6" , dust proof (when all port covers are properly closed), and vibration proof.
● How to know if this phone can work in my country?
Our mobile phone supports global frequency bands.
● Where can I buy CONQUEST phone?
CONQUEST phone can be purchased through this Website Store, AliExpress Store, Amazon Store etc.